Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Window work continues

Not a lot to see this week. Have been tempted to sneak in to get pictures of the inside, but you need to have a hard hat and permission. Ah well, it's a bit too dark today to get any good pictures inside anyway.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The back side

Not sure if there's been a picture posted of the back side of the library, but here it is. Just something a little different. There will be a loading dock for donations and deliveries.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The drive-through is taking shape

This week's theme is the drive-through as I have had several favorable comments from patrons about it. The library is planning on opening in mid-summer so this drive-through is going to get some traffic. Take a look!

Friday, February 5, 2010

More of what we're looking forward to...

After hounding the staff relentlessly, here are some more comments on what individual staff members are looking forward to:

Elizabeth, our Adult Services Librarian-in-training, is excited about the opportunity to revitalize the library's layout. Staff input into what has and hasn't worked at the library will be beneficial to maximizing the space inside the new library. Elizabeth has worked with the Henderson Libraries for ten years.

Nicole, one of our Youth Services Specialists, has been looking forward to a new storyroom with more space. Currently, the storyroom is also used for adult programs as well as staff meetings. To have one room dedicated to children's programming is very exciting. She is also excited that the library's new layout will be more intuitive for patrons to find their way around, especially when it comes to the restrooms. Nicole has been with the library for ten years.

Catherine, also one of our Youth Services Specialists, likes the idea of one room dedicated to children's programming. She likes that the walls will be strict 90-degree angles which are easier for maximizing shelving space. Catherine has worked at the Henderson Libraries for over four years.

Seth, the last of our Youth Services Specialists, looks forward to the natural lighting in the new building coming through the two skylights. On a more personal note, he's also excited about the Target located a short walk away :) Seth has been with the library for five years.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What I'm looking forward to in the new library...

Therese, the Head of Adult Services, is looking forward to having a library that is easier for more patrons to access. The library will also be in a more prominent location. Therese has been with Henderson Libraries for almost 15 years.

Courtney, a Circulation Specialist, is just looking forward to a new building with new features. "Just new" is what she says. Courtney has been with the Henderson Libraries for five years.

Greg, the Head of Circulation Services, is happy that the new building will not have leaks in the roof. Greg has been with us for a little over a year.

Pink! Insulation that is...

The pink you are seeing at the front of the building will be the insulation for the one-sided windows.

On the left side of the building, having some of the windows one-sided will provide privacy in the bathrooms

The one-sided windows on the right side of the building will allow us to maximize shelving by being able to use the wall from the inside.