Thursday, September 24, 2009

We're looking forward to....

The new Gibson Library will have plenty of parking for our patrons away from the general parking for the shopping center next door. An anonymous staff member thought that this was the greatest benefit of all. Currently, since the library is located in downtown Henderson, our parking lot is frequently filled with people doing business at the Courts or at City Hall. There are two garages available for public parking; however, the library’s parking lot seems to be more convenient. In the new library, this won’t be an issue.
There will also be a drive-through window for those patrons not wanting to park. Patrons will be able to pick up their holds, pay fines, and check out items already on request. A great convenience in the desert!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Building plan display at the (current) Gibson Library

Here's a picture of the library site from a different angle.
From this angle, we would be facing the front of the library.

Curious to see the layout for the new library? Check out the display in our lobby area - it's full of information!

Friday, September 4, 2009

What a new library means to me

Periodically we will be including comments from the Gibson staff about what they are looking forward to the most in our new building. Here's one from Mi Nei, who works to deliver books to our homebound patrons:
"A new library will be sooo helpful to the Homebound Service as I will be able to start training the personnel [who will be] taking over [the] service." Currently Mi Nei works (mostly) by herself to serve over 75 patrons who are unable to come to the library due to health concerns or other limitations. She selects materials based on their reading preferences that they indicated on their application. Mi Nei is approaching her tenth anniversary with the Henderson Libraries.
If you have questions about the homebound program, please contact Mi Nei at 565.8402.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

How your library has grown!

Did you know that it took almost 62 years for the Henderson Libraries to circulate 1 million items? And that it will take less than five years to reach the 2 million mark? The Henderson Libraries have been here to serve the citizens of Henderson since before Henderson even became a city!

The building site

Brand new photos taken from a different angle now that the fence has gone up. Did you see the article in the Las Vegas Sun regarding the groundbreaking? A lot of information is given in this article regarding the cost of construction, new features of the library, and more.